Ponemos a tu disposición información relevante para tu ingreso, estancia y egreso.
Nuestro personal de admisión te solicitará la orden de internamiento por parte de tu médico (en caso de que esta ya haya sido expedida). Para realizar tu trámite de admisión al hospital es necesario que presentes una identificación oficial como credencial de elector o pasaporte.
Por política del hospital, se te solicitará un anticipo al momento de tu ingreso. El monto corresponderá al motivo de internamiento y el pago podrás realizarlo en efectivo, cheque o tarjeta en el área de caja. Si tu cuenta resulta menor al monto depositado, la diferencia te será reembolsada al término de tu estancia.
Si cuentas con seguro de gastos médicos, debes presentar identificación oficial, orden de internamiento, carta autorización por parte de la aseguradora y credencial de asegurado o número de póliza.
El hospital enviará la documentación completa a la aseguradora y se le informará vía telefónica a su habitación cuando esta haya sido recibida.
Al momento de tu ingreso se te solicitará un anticipo. Este cubrirá los gastos no incluidos por la póliza. Deberás dejar una garantía de cuenta (el monto dependerá del motivo de ingreso). Esta garantía te será devuelta una vez que concluya tu estancia en el hospital.
Si usted cuenta con un seguro de gastos médicos, deberá presentar su Identificación Oficial, la Orden de internamiento, la Carta autorización de su aseguradora y su credencial de asegurado o el número de póliza para que se notifique el ingreso del paciente.
Una vez completa la documentación, se enviará a su aseguradora y le informaremos vía telefónica cuando ésta sea recibida por parte de su aseguradora.
El hospital le solicitará un anticipo al momento de su ingreso con la finalidad de cubrir gastos no incluidos por su compañía de seguros. Usted deberá dejar una garantía de cuenta (el monto dependerá del motivo de ingreso). La garantía le será devuelta al finalizar su estancia en el hospital.
2.- Por tu comodidad y seguridad, evita traer contigo objetos de valor. Swiss Hospital no se hace responsable por valores no depositados en la caja de seguridad en el ingreso.
1.- Por tu comodidad y seguridad, evita traer objetos de valor. Swiss Hospital no se hace responsable por valores no depositados en la caja de seguridad en el ingreso.
2.- Por tu comodidad y seguridad, evita traer contigo objetos de valor. Swiss Hospital no se hace responsable por valores no depositados en la caja de seguridad en el ingreso.
1.- Por tu comodidad y seguridad, evita traer objetos de valor. Swiss Hospital no se hace responsable por valores no depositados en la caja de seguridad en el ingreso.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
The way to pay for essential or premium packages is to use money because money is a legal purchase tool in this country and it is also the most sought-after item in the world, money is everything we all need money and we want money, we need money to make ends meet daily activities.
Mapa del sitio
Blvd. Gustavo Díaz Ordaz #300 Col. Miravalle, Monterrey, NL.
Centro Médico Calzada